Thursday, February 28, 2019



                                             As per this horoscope, accordingly to samvat 2076 ,the      April 14,2019 at 14hrs.09minutes Sun will be entered in the Aries zodiac in Ashwini constellation ,the Sun is Lord of the year with strength the year and placement of the Sun in 9th house in exaltation position due to this prove to be an all round success, improvement in wealth and country.Reputation ,fame and name,.Jupiter is vision on the Ascendant , India will be in the forefront of the leading countries   &  impact of planetary position on the world will be affected.

               Saturn and Mars are making Shadashtak yoga, which is likely to cause disturbed peace of the country.
The country will be astonishing upheaval for the ruling party.

   According to the year horoscope, all the planets are all effective planets in Rahu and Saturn's periphery.Due to this, due to natural calamities, incidence of arson, hung storms, earthquakes etc. in some countries, the number of heavy losses  people's and loss of money remained till May 2019.

                From the position of Sun and Mercury, Guru and Venus, India is going to move forward in terms of economic area and national dignity. Relations with other countries will be good. The prospects of settling disputes with the border will create the possibility.

                 Sun is in the highest position, there is also the vision of Jupiter. India will be counted  highest level in the world.

              In the following months September, November, December and January & February 2020 are difficult for world's peoples.  militants can be riot, possible earthquake, need to be aware lack of the water.

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