Auspicious time for the first appearance of menstruation:
The first appearance of women's meanse is auspicious in the shukla Paksha of the 7 months of magha, Margashirsha, Baisakha, Ashwina, phalgun, Jyeshtha, and Shravana, on the auspicious days (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) in an auspicious Ascendant and in the day time.
Which constellation is the best, good, medium and bad of menstruation The first appearance of women's menses is auspicious if these 15 nakshatras of Shravan, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisha the nakshtras, named as mridu or delicate , (Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha) those named as kshipra ( Ashwiani, Hasta, and pushy), those names are Dhruva, (Uttaflagini, uttarbhadrpada, Uttara.shadha and Rohani) and swati are these white clothes. In the five constellations are the medium of first menstruation of women, their names are Magha, Mulla, Punarvasu, Vishakha and Kritika.The first appearance of womens menses is medium.And it ( the first appearance of Womens menses) is low in others remaining 7 constellations are the first menstrual flame of women. Their names are Bharani, Ardha, Ashlesha, Purvafalguni, Jyeshtha, poorvashadha.
Inauspicious time of first menstruation - Bhadra Karan, dormant state, Sankranti, Amavasya and Ashtami, Shishti, Dvashashi and Raksha Dates in the morning, at midday and evening prayers, Validation Yoga, disease status (fever showers etc.) Sunlight eclipses and disturbances In yoga, the first menstruation is uncomfortable fruit. The first menstruation is also inauspicious from the second place to the other.The Muhurta for the bathing of women after menses
The women having menses should be asked to take bath after menses in the nakshatras of Hasta, Swati, Ashwini, Mrigashira, Anuradha, Dhaniththa, tha, those named as Dhruwa (uttaras ashadha, uttaraphalguni, uttara Bhadrapad, rohini) and Jyeshtha, on the auspicious Tithis (2/3/5/7/11/12/13) on the auspicious days (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
The women who take bath after the menses in the constellation of Mrigashira, Revati, Swati, Hasta, Ashwini, and Rohini gets conceive soon.
Every woman's menstruation is different from the same way as if someone's time is 3days, 4days, 7 days. The woman is touched by the husband only after the fourth day of menstruation. At some places a women having menses is allowed to take bath only when there is an auspicious day and an auspicious constellation. This is the most proper time of bathing.
The time which is to be rejected in sexual intercourse for conception:-
The husband should leave all the three gandants (I.e the tithi, the constellation and the lagna Gandanta) the Vedha and Janama star ( that is 7/10/16/19/25th nakshatra from the birth constellation) , the Constellation of moola, Bharani, Ashwini, Rewari, and Magha, the time of eclipse of the Sun and Moon, the Yogas of Vyatipata and Vaidhriti, the days of the Shraddha of the father and the mother (the days of their death), the day time, the first half of the Parigha yoga, the constellation troubled by Utpaata, the Ascendant of the 8th sign from the Janama sign of the birth, the Ascendant of a malefic planets (1/5/8/10/11) for doing sexual intercouse with his wife after the period of menses has expired, and she has bathed.
In connection with the conception of the muhurta, Bhadra, Shastri, the days of the festival (Chaturdashi, Ashtami, Amavasya and Purnima), Rakta Dates, morning evening time , mangal, Sunday and Saturn on Saturdays the 4 nights from the beginning of the menstrual discharge, these should be left for sexual intercourse which is meant for conception .In Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra Uttarafuguni, Meghshira, Hatha, Anuradha, Rohini, Swati, Shravan, Dhnishtha, and Shatbhusha constellations have been said to be auspicious.
After the beginning of the menstrual discharge the sexual in tercourse done for a son on the even days within 16 days is the giver of a son, and that done on the odd days is the giver of a daughter.
A favourable Ascendant for conception:-
If there are benefic planets in the Quadrants(1/4 / 7and / 10) and the Trines (9/5), Cadent 3/6/11 housed there is the vision of the male planets in homes, then men are ascending to planets (on Sun, Mars and Jupiter, on ascending) on the Ascendant ,the Moon and the ascending are in the Navamsha of an odd sign and there are the even nights the 4th etc. (4/6/8/10/14/16) After the beginning of the discharge of menstruation, sexual intercourse done for conception is auspicious and giver of a son It is the medium in the constellations of Chitra, Punarvasu, Pushya and ashwini.
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