Thursday, December 12, 2019


  On April 13, 2020, Sun will transit in Aries at 23:49 according to Indian Standard time. Now the Sun will be situated in Ashwini constellation. This horoscope has Libra as the Ascendant and the rising sign. As per horoscope, all planets are situated in the periphery of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Due to this, Kaal Sarp yoga is formed. This year, some countries will suffer severe loss of the people as well as wealth. Natural calamities like earthquake, Storms and fire events will be accrued.


 Sun is in exaltation position and Mars is in excellent condition. Due to its vision on the sun, economic growth will be seen. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in debilitated position jointly aspect the ascendant lord Venus due to which fire events, earthquake and violent events can occur in some countries of South Asia. New plans can rise but the prime leadership will be facing difficult circumstances

. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter in debilitated position are situated in four houses,which will affect the zodiac sign of India bringing difficult conditions for political parties. This planetary transit will remain till May 4, 2020. After that, the Mars will change its zodiac sign.

 Saturn, the Lord of the Capricorn sign of India is in good position, but it may take a long time to have a pleasant relationship with China, Pakistan etc. Due to the combination of Jupiter in debilitated position and Mars in the exaltation position with vision on the sun, there will be terrible incidents like insurgency on western borders and terrain in India which will lead to loss of people's lives. Due to the vision of Mars -Saturn there will be a situation of the destruction and a war-like situation.

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